Dell Warranty Check Multiple Service Tags

I administer a lot of computer brands, and support a wide ecosystem. But I see a lot of Dell Laptops, Desktops, and Servers in my normal day-to-day. A common task is to rebuild a system, or to update a driver after troubleshooting blue screens.

  1. Dell Warranty Check Multiple Service Tags For Business
  2. Dell Warranty Check Multiple Service Tags Personalized
  3. Dell Warranty Check Multiple Service Tags Near Me
  4. Dell Warranty Check Multiple Service Tags Free
  5. How To Check Dell Warranty
  6. Dell Warranty Check Multiple Service Tags For Iphone
  7. Dell Warranty Check Multiple Service Tags Labels

When it’s time to download drivers, there’s one sequence of events that I don’t want to do anymore:

Checking Dell Warranty Info with PowerShell I used to have a script written in PowerShell that I got online that would grab a Dell PCs service tag number and check it and output warranty information. I have a program that allows me to see all devices on the network and it runs the PowerShell script from Command Prompt. Oct 22, 2008 Filter non Dell Machine (service tag 7) Query Dell for warranty information for each machine (one by one, but you can get up to 80 with a POST request) Fill a XLSX table with all the informations (Name, servicetag, machine type, warranty type; warranty start, warranty end, last logon and warranty validity. AutoFormat and AutoFit everything. Jul 12, 2017 How to Organize and View Multiple System's Details by Service Tag This article describes the process for listing the details for multiple systems by service tag. In the event a user needs to research the details of several systems at once, the following tool can be used by inputing the service tags as a list.

  1. Turn over laptop
  2. Read the serial number
  3. Tell myself “I got this”
  4. Stare at the serial number
  5. Memorize the serial number
  6. Turn the laptop back over, and enter the serial number onto the support webpage
  7. Forget the stupid serial number halfway through (cause it’s the serial number that’s stupid, not me, right?)
  8. Repeat steps 1-7 again (do step 8 only one time. If today is Monday and you have not had coffee yet, do step 8 two times)
  9. Fine! Write down the stupid serial number
  10. Tell myself “No problem – I told you I got this”

He wants to query Dell's web site to get information about the service tags- warranty end dates, shipping dates, etc. – Evan Anderson Sep 22 '09 at 16:50 Duh, I'm an idiot! – duffbeer703 Sep 23 '09 at 12:26.

Now that I’m more refined in my technique, I can show you my simple way to find the serial number or system tag of a Dell computer by using PowerShell:

That actually returns a PSCustomObject. Now, you might want to get right at the string value instead. If you’re putting the computers serial number or system tag through the pipeline, or saving it to a file, then you should use this instead – it will return just the string value stored in WMI.

Here, we invoke the alias for get-wmiObject, gwmi. It is exactly the same, just fewer keystrokes. Then, we use the parenthesis to turn it into an object, and put the “.” (dot) there to get access to the properties.

This can also be used to get the system tag for a remote system by using the –computername parameter on the get-wmiobject cmdlet

This is the best way that I’ve found to get the information from a Dell computer. You can use the Service Tag on their website to get up to date drivers and warranty information.

Learning has never been so easy!

I use Dell workstations and servers. I like to be able to track when my warranties and system service dates expire. I'm lazy, so if its not automated then it is worthless to me. I have been using this retrieval method for about a year in other reports and decided to integrate it into my Spiceworks implementation.

11 Steps total

Step 1: Download and install the SQLLite ODBC Drivers

Grab them from here:

If you want to use MSAccess to verify connectivity then you will need to create an ODBC connection. The script does not require this.
- Admin ToolsODBC Connections
- System DSN
- Add, Choose 'SQLLite 3 ODBC Driver'
- Data Source Name = Spiceworks
- Database Name =

Step 2: Download the script

- Create a folder somewhere on your spiceworks server
- Download the script. Since I can't add an attachment to a How-To, get it from my server at home...
. . . . .

- Unzip and save the script to a folder.
- Open a command prompt and CD to the folder.

Step 3: Execute the script

From your command prompt, type service.vbs

If your default command interpreter isn't cscript, it will re-launch itself with cscript anyway. Interactively this is okay but if you use a batch scheduler that used PIDs to monitor the job, you may want to either:
- Change the default script interpreter to cscript. (a good idea when you manage a server that runs automation scripts anyway.)
cscript.exe //h:cscript

- Launch as an argument to cscript.exe
cscript.exe service.vbs

Step 4: Custom Attributes

This script adds a few custom attributes to spiceworks. It may seem that they are not available immediately from within the interface. It may take a network scan before they appear or you may need to restart spiceworks. You can check for there existence by looking here: SettingsAdvancedCustom Attributes.

Even if you don't see them the script should populate them just fine.

Step 5: Add it to the Scheduled Tasks

Control PanelScheduled Tasks
- Right click, New
- Give it a name
- Right-click, Properties
- in the Run box, you need to give the full path to an .exe.. so use something like:

c:windowssystem32cscript.exe c:binservicedatesservice.vbs

Enter credentials to run the task and schedule it how ever you want.

Step 6: Notes...

The script essentially queries Spiceworks for Dell branded computers. It then issues a web request based on the service tag (serial_number), captures the html and starts looking for data. It inserts Ship Date into the Spiceworks c_purchase_date and the takes the largest date in the warranty section (in case you extend warranties) and enters it into the Spiceworks c_warranty date.

The documentation is light. The script is fairly basic. The SQLite/ODBC is a little finicky and it doesn't seem to like all data access methods. If you modify then you may have to play a little. Whatever.. it works.

Step 7: UPDATE - Sep 4, 2009

Hi everyone.

Robert from Spiceworks was kind enough to go digging through this script and seems to have figured out the problem with the date in the reporting. (Thanks Robert.) If you need to clear your service info to reload it then this script is what you need.

Step 8: Update - Sept 30 - x64 notes

Some of you have had problems getting this to work on x64 based machines. There are 2 things that you should need to look out for.
- Make sure you get the 64 bit version of the SQLite driver.
- Make sure that the path (in the script) has the correct path. You will need to change 'Program Files' to 'Program Files (x86)'

Dell Warranty Check Multiple Service Tags For Business

Step 9: Update - Oct 22

- Changed to regular expression handling to grab dates. It is simply better and provides more accurate results..
- Ignores service tags that aren't 5,6, or 7 digits in length.
- Reorganized the code to make it easier to add in support for other manufacturers.
- - - HP support?. If you want support for this, go vote on this feature Request to get SW to pull the Product Number
- - -
- Automatically detects the correct internet component.
- Automatically creates the c_warranty and c_warrantytype fields.
- Thanks to a contribution from Hendrik it now grabs the Service type as well as the dates.
- Added a little more error checking in hopes of working around some of the inconsistencies of the Dell support page.
- If the script is called with wscript.exe, it will re-launch with cscript.exe instead.

Step 10: Nov 12 - Working on HP (beta?) - want to test?

Dell Warranty Check Multiple Service Tags Personalized

We are moving our office/datacenter tomorrow and I had some 'calm before the storm' time to work on this a little. Since I don't have a lot of HP systems in inventory, I could use your help.

** Please keep the testing feedback off of the main thread. It will just clutter it up with crap. Please PM questions/responses. **

- Both of these scripts will create a c_product_number field on your SW.

- This is new for me but I had to bounce SW today before I could see product numbers and warranty dates in the web gui. Keep it mind. I should have checked to see if they showed up in a report while they were hidden from the gui. Webserver cache perhaps?

Dell warranty check multiple service tags 2017

- I have had to switch the HTML component used due to the way the HP website communicates. If you get an error like 'can not create component ServerXMLHTTP' then try installing the MSXML components from Microsoft.

Download files:

hp_service.vbs - This is the modified service.vbs file that will check for HP systems. It requires a product number that looks like 000000-000 in order to process it.

Dell Warranty Check Multiple Service Tags Near Me

hp_helper.vbs - this will query your SW database looking for HP systems. It will try to connect to the system to look up the product number via WMI. You will need to execute this script with an account that has sufficient access (domain admin would be good.) If it finds a product number that looks right it will store it in SW. For me, this seems to work on G5 systems but not earlier. Your mileage may vary.

Currently it only pulls the warranty date (the largest date on the page.) Are all of the warranties formatted like this? (see right.) What would you consider to be a warranty type? Are there key words that I can pick up on here that would indicate? Is 'Base Warranty' it? Are you looking to see everything in Service level? I presume only under the Maintenance support section?

Step 11: Dec 10 - a 64 bit hack

Thanks to Park8751 letting me hack a little bit on his server I was able to get the script to run using the 32 bit ODBC drivers and the 32 bit WOW environment (on your 64 bit server.) I don't know why it works on my 64 bit test system without these changes but if you want to stay 64 bit, try this.

Dell Warranty Check Multiple Service Tags Free

- Install the 32 bit ODBC drivers.
- Make sure you have the (x86) in your database path (in the script)
- Call the script like this:
c:windowssyswow64cscript.exe c:service.vbs
- Cross your fingers.

How To Check Dell Warranty

Please let me know if this gets you success.

Published: Jan 24, 2009 · Last Updated: Mar 28, 2012

Dell Warranty Check Multiple Service Tags For Iphone


  • SQLLite ODBC Drivers


Dell Warranty Check Multiple Service Tags Labels

  • Sonora
    Marek Jan 29, 2009 at 09:10am

    Great idea. No more manual checking. Thanks

  • Jalapeno
    Paul8413 Feb 12, 2009 at 10:56am

    Very nice. Thanks for this!

  • Jalapeno
    Paul8413 Feb 13, 2009 at 03:19am

    Here's an example SQL report that goes nicely with this, shows all Dell computers with expired warranty.

    SELECT c_warranty as WarrantyExpires, c_purchase_date as Purchased, Model, Device_type, Name, current_user FROM DEVICES
    WHERE manufacturer = 'Dell'
    AND c_warranty < date('now')
    ORDER BY c_warranty

  • Pimiento
    Inampudi Feb 25, 2009 at 10:08am

    Thank you very much!!!

  • Poblano
    Martin Lillepuu Feb 26, 2009 at 06:59am

    works like a charm. lets see how I can extend this.

  • Pimiento
    Mindy6360 Mar 3, 2009 at 01:12pm

    Thank you for sharing - this will save tons of time!!!

  • Pimiento
    Filip4923 Mar 10, 2009 at 09:04am

    I have a problem using this script:

    C:service.vbs(175, 3) msxml3.dll: Access denied.

    Somebody known how to solve it?

  • Pimiento
    Filip4923 Mar 10, 2009 at 09:09am

    Sorry for multiple questions - browser hangs

  • Sonora
    Grahm4164 Mar 10, 2009 at 03:50pm

    I get the following error right after I run the service.vbs command. Does anyone know what I can check?

    'C:downloadDell Scriptserviceservice.vbs(23, 2) ADODB.Recordset: Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.'

  • Sonora
    Grahm4164 Mar 10, 2009 at 03:52pm

    I get the following error right after I run the service.vbs command. Does anyone know what I can check?

    'C:downloadDell Scriptserviceservice.vbs(23, 2) ADODB.Recordset: Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.'

  • Serrano
    Sergio (Zenset) Mar 11, 2009 at 03:56pm

    Just great…! You save me over a month of manual work…! Very useful…!

    I just have to change de letter of the disc from C to D on my installation path and works just fine…!

    Thank you so much…!

  • Poblano
    Gary P Mar 13, 2009 at 06:04pm

    Very helpful! Thank you!

  • Sonora
    Allen9262 Mar 17, 2009 at 05:59pm

    I also recieve the error

    'C:binDell Scriptservicedatesservice.vbs(23, 2) ADODB.Recordset: Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.'
    Code: 800A0CC1
    Source: ADOCB>Recordset

  • Sonora
    Patrick8386 Mar 20, 2009 at 04:36pm

    Has anyone gotten this to work on a 64-bit system? I think the problem is with SQLite. I don't see it in the ODBC drivers list after I run the SQLite install. If I run the SQLite install on my 32-bit XP laptop, I see SQLite in the drivers tab of the ODBC data sources administrator.

  • Poblano
    David6791 Mar 24, 2009 at 09:36am

    I got the same 'C:downloadDell Scriptserviceservice.vbs(23, 2) ADODB.Recordset: Item'

    With a little investigation turns out i cant spell. in the attributes i had types 'warrenty' as the name rather than 'warranty'.

    the error i believe means it cant find c_warranty which means there is a good chance you have done something similar.

    Works fine for me now. :D

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