How To Firefox Driver For Selenium On Mac Using Eclipse

WebDriver can drive Firefox without the need of a driver server Starting Firefox 45 & above one needs to use gecko driver created by Mozilla for automation: Internet Explorer: Internet Explorer Driver Server: Available in 32 and 64-bit versions. Use the version that corresponds to the architecture of your IE: Chrome: ChromeDriver. Start Firefox browser on MAC using Selenium webdriver September 3, 2016 by Mukesh Otwani 6 Comments To start Firefox browser on MAC using Selenium webdriver we have to use gecko driver which will interact with Firefox browser.In the previous post, we have already discussed how to work with Chrome on MAC using Selenium. After downloading the Selenium WebDriver, follow the steps mentioned in the following sections to configure the Selenium WebDriver in Eclipse: Launch Eclipse and create a workspace? The first step for a start using the Eclipse IDE is to download and start the Eclipse. In this tutorial, we are going to discuss how to open a browser using selenium web driver in Java. We will see step by step with chrome browser, Firefox browser, and IE browser. How To Firefox Driver For Selenium On Mac Using Eclipse Download Open Chrome browser using selenium web driver Download ChromeDriver.exe.

To start Firefox browser on MAC using Selenium webdriver we have to use gecko driver which will interact with Firefox browser.In the previous post, we have already discussed how to work with Chrome on MAC using Selenium.

In Selenium 2 we have not used any driver for Firefox but in Selenium 3 for every browser, we have to use third party driver which will perform our task.

Firefox with windows is quite easy where you have to download and mention the path but here we have small change so let’s get started with firefox on MAC.

Firefox browser on mac using Selenium webdriver

Step 1- Download gecko driver and unzip

Download link

Step 2- Keep the drivers in /usr/local/bin directory.

Step 3- Write your test


Program for Firefox browser on mac using Selenium webdriver