Scp Containment Breach Strange Bottle

The Pocket Dimension is a surreal realm completely controlled by SCP-106, and the place it takes its victims to. The dimension is a bizarre, green-lit, labyrinthine place.

The Strange Bottle is an item that can be acquired by placing a first aid kit with SCP-447 in SC P-914 on the 'Very Fine' setting, or putting Strange Bottle with SCP-447 on '1:1'. Using the bottle has varied effects, which include: Being teleported to the Pocket Dimension. Curing all injuries and ailments. Heavy bleeding. Containment staff: Ahhh! SCP-682 CONTAINMENT BREACH! SOUND THE ALARM! SCP-682: I'm freeeeeeeeeeeee– At this point, SCP-682 was not heard of for 10 days. At the end of this time, the Foundation received reports of a “massive reptilian creature” doing billions of dollars of damage in New York, which is assumed to be SCP-682.

The Pocket Dimension has music relating to it.
  • 3Rooms

Description[edit | edit source]

The Pocket Dimension can only be accessed by SCP-106, along with any prey it takes. Its laws and reality are unlike our own. SCP-106 will seemingly 'toy' with its victims for an extended period of time before killing them. Here, SCP-106 seems to express full control of the realm's time, perception, and laws.

In-game[edit | edit source]

The player can arrive in the Pocket Dimension if SCP-106 catches them, or they could get teleported there as a side effect of the strange bottle. Falling into one of the sinkholes that can occasionally appear in either the T-shaped or four-way hallway will also transport the player to the Pocket Dimension.

Scp Containment Breach All Items

The Pocket Dimension is designed with aged mossy stone. The player cannot sprint in this dimension and their health will slowly deteriorate, causing them to start bleeding until they either escape or die. Throughout the dimension, the player can find messages on the floor left by SCP-106, most of which are directed towards the player.

While trying to find a way out, the player will likely find other rooms in the dimension. These include an open area with large columns, two long stone paths with giant flying rocks, a 'throne room', a room filled with box-like coffins, a trick room, a trench-like area with a 'Plane' flying over it, and an exit room.

Rooms[edit | edit source]

Intersections[edit | edit source]

Once taken to the Pocket Dimension, the player will start off in an intersection of hallways with a number of ways to proceed. The height of this room, including the height of the doorways, tends to shift, expanding and contracting at a slow rate. If the player searches carefully, they can find a note that has the access code to Dr. Maynard's office, which is randomized each save.

SCP-106 will wander around this room in a counter-clockwise pattern through the walls of the hallways. Physical contact with it in this dimension results in instant death. After it performs 3 full rotations around the map it'll head straight towards the player if they are still in the intersection.

Upon proceeding down any of the hallways in this room, the player has a chance of either escaping back to the facility, or being teleported to another area of the dimension, sometimes being shifted to a different part of this room. The player should choose carefully, as one of the halls may lead to the player's death.

The player also has a chance of being taken to a four way intersection. One path leads to the coffin room, one leads to the throne room and two lead to stone paths.

Scp Containment Breach Strange Bottle
  • The first intersection.

  • The four way intersection.

Pillars[edit | edit source]

The player has a chance of being transported to an area with large columns standing in the abyss of the dimension. The player starts off on one of the pillars and has to descend via small outcroppings that they drop down onto. At the bottom of the pillar is a small path which the player can cross, leading towards a well that'll transport them to a different room.


Time is of the essence, as SCP-106 (who is floating upside-down a few pillars away) will teleport to adjacent pillars, coming closer to the player. Every time SCP-106 teleports, the player is forced to blink.

  • Bridge over the abyss.

Stone Path[edit | edit source]

Two of the hallways in the four way intersection lead to a narrow walkway with a large pendulum flying across it in a figure 8 pattern. The player has to time their pacing perfectly to avoid being crushed by the pendulum. This can be very difficult because the player cannot sprint, so it is likely that the passing pendulum will hit the player and kill them. Should the player make it past the pillars and down the hole at the end of the path, they will be transported back to the first intersection.

  • A full view of the two paths.

Room of Coffins[edit | edit source]

The fourth area that can be reached from the four-way intersection is what is assumed to be SCP-106's 'prison', where the player can see a number of large box-like objects perched along the walls. An awful wheezing, coughing and faint whispering can be heard in the room, though no source seems to be visible.

On the ground is a message that obscurely reads 'My name is not 106'.

Trick Room[edit | edit source]

While roaming in the Pocket Dimension, the player has a chance of being taken to a cylindrical hallway that's visually similar to the metal corridors, making it appear as though the player has been teleported out of the dimension. However, when either of the two doors are opened, a black void is revealed. If the player walks out of the hallway, they will fall back into the Pocket Dimension, usually into either the throne room or one of the two stone paths.

Scp foundation
  • An outer view of the trick room. Note the intersection right below it.

Throne Room[edit | edit source]

One of the paths in the four-way intersection leads to SCP-106's 'throne room', where upon entering the player will see SCP-106 perched atop a large throne-like column. The player is only able to see its eyes and upon approaching the throne, the camera is forced up in its direction. Once the room has been entered, the doorway is blocked by a wall, preventing the player from going back the way they came.

The deterioration rate is sextupled while the player is in this room. Staying too long will cause a deep voice (possibly that of SCP-106) to tell the player to kneel. If the player crouches, they will be teleported to the trench. Critical blood loss from staying in the room will also force the player to crouch and be teleported to the trench.

Trench[edit | edit source]

After the player kneels in front of SCP-106 in the throne room, they will be transported to the trench area. The trench itself is reminiscent of World War I trenches, with several wooden bridges lining the chasm. There are also several rocks and coffins which can be seen floating around the area.

The player's task is to reach the opposite end of the trench. However, an extremely large, black, skeletal bird-like creature will glide over the trench frequently. As long as the player is in the open, the airborne creature will forcibly draw the player's vision towards it. Upon looking at it the creature will open an eye from its ribcage region, which will cause harm to the player. The player can avoid looking at the creature by hiding under the plank bridges along the trench.

Once the player reaches the end of the trench, there will be a well that will lead them to the exit room.

The entire sequence is a reference to the tale 'The Young Man', which details the origins of SCP-106 as being a World War I veteran. This is further exemplified by the whole trench set-up of the area, as well as the 'Plane' creature, which in addition to using the sounds of distorted WWI-era aircraft, appears to have a similar design to that of an airplane or bird. Its eye opening most likely represents a plane's cargo hatch opening to shell the trench. The well that appears at the end of the area is a reference to the sinkhole from the tale.

  • The trench itself. Note the wooden bridge.

  • Close-up of one of the wooden bridges in the trench.

  • The player hiding from the 'Plane'.

  • The 'Plane' opening its ribcage, revealing its eye.

  • The exit of the trench.

  • The sprite used for the 'Plane'.

  • The Plane, with its eye revealed.

Exit Room[edit | edit source]

The exit room is a short, cylindrical hall containing one doorway. It appears as corroded as the walls and floors of the four way intersection and throne room, and is accessed by going down a random corridor in the first intersection the player starts in. The player will be teleported to the middle of the hall, facing the door. Once the player passes through the doorway and keeps on walking through the darkness, they will be teleported to the basic office.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

  • Messages left by SCP-106.

  • SCP-106's 'throne'. Notice the glowing eyes.

  • The large figure that can be seen in the background when the player is in open areas.

Hallways • Lockroom • Security Gateway • End Rooms • Tesla Coil Hallway • Checkpoint Rooms • Pocket Dimension • SCP-860-1 • SCP-1499 Landscape
Containment Chambers
SCP-008 • SCP-012 • SCP-035 • SCP-049 • SCP-079 • SCP-106 • SCP-173 • SCP-205 • SCP-372 • SCP-500 and SCP-1499 (Containment Room 5) • SCP-513 • SCP-714, SCP-860 and SCP-1025 (SCP Storage Chamber) • SCP-895 • SCP-914 • SCP-966 • SCP-1123 • SCP-1162
Light Containment Zone
Class-D Cells • Intro Office • Storeroom • T-Shaped Lockroom • Small Testing Room • SCP-970 Hallway • Storage Area 6 • Archive Room • Surveillance Room
Heavy Containment Zone
Metal Corridors • Grated Hallway • Gas Catwalk • Three-Way Gas Catwalk • Four-Way Gas Catwalk • Elevator Machine Room • Large Testing Chamber • Small Server Room • Maintenance Tunnels • Warhead Room
Entrance Zone
Basic Office • 2-Level Office • Large Office • Head Office • Doctors Quarters(Dr. Maynard's Office • Dr. Harp's Office • Dr. Gears's Office) • Conference Quarters(Dr. L.'s Office • Conference Room) • Shared Conference Room • Cafeteria • Electrical Center • Server Farm • Server Hub • Toilets • Elevator Lounge • Medical Bay • SCP-096's Lockroom • SCP-860's Testing Chamber
Conference Room • SCP-178 • SCP-689's Containment Chamber • SCP-1074's Testing Chamber
Retrieved from ''


SCP-198 has taken numerous forms since coming into Foundation possession in 19██. Since acquisition, SCP-198 has been observed to have had dozens of different forms including a Styrofoam cup, █████████ brand glass beer bottle, ██████ and ████-████ brand aluminum soda cans, an oversized shot glass that read “One Tequila, Two Tequila, Three Tequila, Floor”, a plastic water bottle with a █████ label partially peeled off, and [DATA EXPUNGED]. These forms always appear partially filled with the expected liquid a vessel of that type would contain.

Currently, SCP-198 appears as an ordinary white, porcelain coffee mug with blue, vertical stripes evenly spaced around its exterior. There are no visible manufacturer markings or otherwise remarkable details about its appearance in its current form. The object has resisted all attempts at destruction or sampling for further analysis. When inactive, SCP-198 can hold the expected 240 mL (8 fl oz) of liquid that any standard coffee mug would hold.

Anomalous behavior does not manifest until a live human being grasps SCP-198 to hold it. Approximately 2 - 5 seconds after the SCP is held, it will instantly bond itself through unknown, albeit painful means to the handler’s hand or hands. Test subjects have reported the pain of bonding with SCP-198 as a “searing” or “fiery” sensation, though no heat can be detected by outside observers or instruments. The use of gloves or other barriers between the object and the hand does not prevent the bonding process so long as the subject can still grip SCP-198. Extensive testing has revealed that the bond appears to be at the molecular level and is permanent until the death of its holder. To date, no means have been found to break the bond including cutting or severing the fingers or hand of the holder as any wounds below the wrist of the test subject heal instantaneously. Further proposed testing of the range of healing up the handler’s arm is pending approval.

Once bonded, any liquid inside SCP-198 will disappear and the container will inexplicably begin to fill from the bottom-up with a fluid or a semi-solid material, stopping only once it reaches the top of the container. The liquid or semi-solid is different for each holder, but it has to date been a bodily fluid or human excretion in each test instance. Such instances have included human saliva, sweat, blood, bile, mucus, urine, feces, and [DATA EXPUNGED] as well as combinations of two or more of these.

Scp Containment Breach Strange Bottle Opener

Once SCP-198 has filled, the holder will undergo rapid dehydration and/or emaciation, becoming increasingly malnourished to the point of death, which usually occurs within 24 hours if nothing is done to prevent it. Ingestion of standard foods, liquids, or I.V.-supplied nutrients does nothing to reverse or slow this process. Testing has revealed that the only means by which the subject can gain nourishment is by consuming the contents of SCP-198; however, the constant rate of dehydration and emaciation remains the same, forcing the test subject to consume vast quantities of the excretions almost constantly to remain alive. As the contents are consumed or – as is often the case – dumped out of the container, SCP-198 will continue to refill itself automatically. Test subjects have lasted as long as 70 hours by consuming the excretions before finally succumbing to exhaustion or refusing to consume any more of the contents, which invariably leads to death.

Upon expiration of the handler, the bond with SCP-198 is broken and the object can once again be manipulated. In approximately 75% of test instances, SCP-198 will disappear once the bond is broken and reappear almost instantly on a nearby flat surface, seemingly with a preference for tables or shelves within the same room, and take on a new form. Approximately 90% of these reappearances of SCP-198 is within the general vicinity of the now deceased handler, but several times the object has been observed to reappear in nearby containment rooms, observation rooms, and in one case [DATA EXPUNGED]. Due to the catastrophic nature of that incident, extreme care is to be taken when in proximity to SCP-198’s containment or testing room. Foundation personnel are urged not to bring with them any beverages or containers within 100 m of SCP-198’s containment room even when the object is not actively being researched.

SCP-198 was acquired by the Foundation from an underground bunker in ███████, Germany, after the bunker’s accidental discovery by construction workers. Reports of strange activity and deaths among the construction company regarding this bunker brought the object to Foundation attention. Agent ██████, upon responding to the location, discovered several deceased and grossly emaciated corpses, both recent and some quite old. Unaware of the nature of their deaths or the SCP in question, Agent ██████ sealed off the area and awaited back-up. It was then that the nature of the SCP object revealed itself as the Agent mistakenly grabbed what appeared to be an unopened bottle of water from a table at the construction site. Backup arrived to find an extremely agitated Agent ██████ vomiting and struggling to remove from his hand a cup full of fresh [DATA EXPUNGED]. Agent ██████ later self-terminated during location clean-up.

Incident 198-A:

Date: ██-██-20██
Location: Site-██
Description: At approximately 2:15 PM, Researcher John ██████, who was working in an observation room adjacent to SCP-198’s containment room, reached for what he thought to be his thermos of iced tea only to discover he was firmly bonded to what appeared to be SCP-198. Immediately, Researcher ██████ notified Site Supervisors who, upon inspection of containment room 198, discovered that SCP-198 was indeed missing from its case. At least 3 months had passed since the last experiment had been conducted on SCP-198 without incident. Researcher ██████ was interviewed by Site staff and was kept alive by consuming the contents of SCP-198 for 31 hours before finally refusing to drink the contents any longer.

Incident 198-B:

Date: ██-██-20██
Location: Site-██
Description: At approximately 8:00 AM, Security Guard Albert ████████ stopped to get a cup of coffee from a break room later determined to be located three floors underneath and two hallways over from SCP-198’s containment room. The guard found himself bonded to SCP-198 when he attempted to grab a bottle of dairy creamer from the break room refrigerator. Once again Site Supervisors were notified of a potential containment breach and discovered SCP-198’s case to be empty. Guard ████████ was interviewed and chose to self-terminate rather than consume any of the contents of SCP-198.

ContainmentScp Containment Breach Strange Bottle

Immediately after Incident 198-B, Site Supervisors determined that the Object Class should be raised to Euclid and Containment Protocol 198 was created to handle future containment breaches.

Containment Protocol 198:

Containment Protocol 198 is to be executed immediately by Site Supervisors after a containment breach of SCP-198 is detected. In the event that the alarm attached to SCP-198’s scale is sounded, Site-██ is to be locked down and all personnel are to immediately avoid any beverage containers and evacuate the facility until SCP-198 can be located and properly secured.

Scp Containment Breach Ntf Mod

For test logs, please see Experiment Log 198-A.