Turnitin Late Submission Hack

  1. Viewing Late Submissions on Turnitin Students enrolled in a certain class appear in the assignment box and in case one has not submitted their paper ‘’No Submission’’ appears as the paper title. To view your classmates who have also not submitted their assignment, click the title column heading to categorize the inbox by paper title.
  2. Forgot your password? Need more help? Privacy Policy. We take your privacy very seriously. We do not share your details.
  3. Sorry For The Late Submission Speak to your institution administrator for more information on this method of marking. File types checked for similarity If the assignment is set to allow only file types that Turnitin can check for similarity, Turnitin will only accept files that can generate Similarity Reports.

By Evans May 23, 2020

A question on ‘how to cheat Turnitin’ has never been so popular as it is now. The originality of the text is the main requirement to avoid an F. That’s why submitting a non-original paper without checking it for plagiarism is a bad idea! For step-by-step instructions, refer to the View and sort late submissions guide. In the Turnitin Assignment Inbox, you can view a list of students who submitted after the due date which will be marked as 'Late'. You can also view the date/time each student submitted in Turnitin Feedback Studio.

Turnitin is the most dreaded tool by students and the most valuable tool by professors. It is the nature of students to procrastinate assignments. When a paper is due, they have to find a way to cheat Turnitin to avoid being punished or expelled in school for plagiarism. Students are often innovative and have devised ways to enable them to beat Turnitin because plagiarism could severely impact their academic and career future. On the other hand, professors and Turnitin staff are always finding ways to improve Turnitin performance to ensure that no student can fool Turnitin. In this article, I am going to show you simple tips and tricks that can help you cheat Turnitin and enable you to submit a paper without having plagiarism.

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Before I begin showing you some of the proven ways to cheat Turnitin, it is important to understand how Turnitin works.

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Turnitin’s Algorithm

Turnitin keeps a huge database that is made up of three different types of content;

  • Web content that is publicly available
  • Books, Journals, and newspaper content
  • Student’s papers submitted through Turnitin.
  • HackTurnitin Late Submission Hack

    Turnitin utilizes matching algorithm technology to establish strings of words within submitted papers that are similar to those maintained in its database. So if you submit your paper, Turnitin robots crawl through every sentence trying to match words, sentence structure, and ideas to establish if it is in its repository. Any similarity between what you submitted and the content already in the database is considered as plagiarism.

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    How to Cheat Turnitin

    Now that you have an idea on how Turnitin works, the following tricks will help you avoid being accused of plagiarism.

    The Infographic below summarizes the proven ways that students all over the world have been using in school to cheat Turnitin

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    <p><strong>Please include attribution to Paper Per Hour with this graphic.</strong></p>
    <p><a href='https://paperperhour.com/six-proven-ways-cheat-turnitin/'><img src='https://paperperhour.com/assets/Cheat-Turnitin-Infographic.png' alt='6 proven ways to cheat turnitin' height='540px' /></a></p>

    This is the best method that will make you beat Turnitin. Turnitin robots only identify sentences that have a similar sentence structure, patterns or wordings. As such, paraphrasing every sentence in a paragraph will make your assignment appear genuine and original with no connection with any of the already published papers and assignments in their database. It is important to do extensive research and compare relevant materials from the different set of journals, website pages, and blogs before you begin paraphrasing and synthesizing the different ideas to develop your paper. The process of researching and paraphrasing is long and tend to bore many students. If you feel this is cumbersome, you can use the second idea.

    Use synonyms to cheat Turnitin

    Turnitin uses matching words within a sentence to establish if a sentence is ‘lifted’ from another source. You can fool Turnitin robots by synonymizing the keywords within a sentence. The best way is to synonymize the third word in a sentence. For example in the previous sentence “You can fool Turnitin robots by synonymizing the keywords within a sentence” can be synonymized to “You can cheat Turnitin algorithms by changing the key phrases within a sentence.”

    Change the order of words in a sentence

    Turnitin Late Submission Hack Free


    Changing the order of words in a sentence, particularly sentences having a list can help you cheat Turnitin. For example, you can change the order of words in this sentence “Some of the best Shakespeare plays include, Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello, The Tempest, and Romeo and Juliet” to “Some of the best Shakespeare plays include, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, The Tempest, Hamlet, and Othello. This way, you will be able to cheat Turnitin robot into believing that your sentence is original.

    Swap the Letters

    Another way to easily cheat Turnitin is by swapping or replacing the letters in a word with those from another language. For instance, instead of writing ‘house,’ you can write ‘ⱨouse.’ Turnitin will not be able to detect similarities in the above two words because of the difference in letter h.

    Add Pictures and Images to your paper

    Providing numerous images and pictures such as graphs, maps, pie chart, etc. can also help you fool Turnitin. Ensure that your essay contains a mixture of text and images to fool Turnitin. Please note that this method may not be fully effective because you will still have to write tons of paragraphs in the form of text in which Turnitin can easily identify plagiarism.

    Use custom writing services

    Another proven method on how to cheat Turnitin is using “write my essay” services. Using reputable custom writing services such as Paper per Hour can help you cheat Turnitin. Writers working in these writing agencies are experienced not only in the art of paraphrasing but also doing extensive research and turn in an original paper that will fetch you good marks. They will provide you a paper which you can pass-through Turnitin as your own without being caught for plagiarism.

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    Get Rid of Plagiarism with the Help of Expert Writers

    Submit Paper To Turnitin

    Looking for a plagiarism removal service? Hire a professional writer to remove plagiarism without affecting your writing style or meaning conveyed.

    Turnitin Late Submission Hacking

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